inline coding造句

"inline coding"是什么意思   


  1. Any inline code , that is , code enclosed between the
  2. Any inline code , that is , code enclosed in
  3. Use inline code to define self - contained lines or blocks of code
  4. There are two styles of code render blocks : inline code and inline expressions
  5. Code render blocks define inline code or inline expressions that execute when the page is rendered
  6. It's difficult to find inline coding in a sentence. 用inline coding造句挺难的
  7. Language specifies the language used when compiling all inline code within the xml web service file . asmx
    指定在xml web services文件( . asmx )内编译所有内联代码时使用的语言。
  8. Tags that define inline code or expressions that can be embedded within the declarative sections of the global . asax file
    定义可嵌入到global . asax文件的声明性部分中的内联代码或表达式的标记。
  9. The following code example demonstrates how to instruct the asp . net page compiler to use visual basic as the inline code language
    下面的代码示例演示如何指示asp . net页编译器将visual basic用作内联代码语言。事件处理代码在名为
  10. The following code example instructs the asp . net page compiler to use visual basic as the inline code language and disables saving view state across http requests using the
    下面的代码示例指示asp . net页编译器使用visual basic作为内联代码语言,并使用
  11. This is similar to non - updateable full precompilation , except that ui elements such as . aspx pages and . ascx controls retain all their markup , ui code , and inline code , if any
    可更新的预编译该选项类似于“不可更新完全预编译” ,不同之处在于用户界面元素(如. aspx页和


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  7. "inline control"造句
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  10. "inline deduplication"造句

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